Igatahes, v?tan ma oma raamatu kohe kätte ja soe tee k?rvale ning teki alla. Mis saaks veel m?nusam olla, täielik puhkus ! PS! Inimesed, ärge kujutage mu elu p?nevamana ette, kui see on.. jumalautaa :)) ...
If you are planning to vacation abroad in the abutting future, you may want to see about booking villas in Spain. There are many conditions why villas in Spain are incredibly now with vacationers who tend to put in an appearance again ...
Raamat on hästi kirjutatud. Tegevus toimub läbi autobiograafiliste sugemetega peategelase silmade, kes paistab silma oma ebatavalise sümpaatsuse ning k?vaduse poolest. Raamatu p?hiline v?lu on selles, kui ?UJEE! see tüüp on. ..... When he's not busy flooding the market with incomprehensible real-estate instruments, he travels the far reaches of this planet, admiring his handy-work unfold as financial catastrophes. A well-read gentleman, with ice-cold wits, Kalvet dissects ...